Puppy/Dog Guarante

Our puppies mean a great deal to us. Labs are not a short term commitment and we do not want any of them going into homes that are not fully prepared to do what it takes to raise a happy, healthy dog. We want our puppies to be adopted into homes that have done their research to completely understand the breed and are devoted to putting in the time and effort necessary to make them the perfect fit into your life. If you think you are prepared to be loved unconditionally by one of our puppies please read through our guarantee, in what we require of new puppy owners and fill out the adoption application.
Puppy/Dog Guarantee
Cinebar Valley puppies are sold with a guarantee provided the following requirements are met
The new owner guarantees that:
A safe environment shall be provided for the puppy to include: a fenced yard or kennel, shelter form the weather if the dog is housed outside, adequate food and water, adequate socialization with people and other dogs. The puppy shall successfully complete some form of obedience training by six months of age.
The puppy/dog shall not be allowed to run loose without supervision and show appropriate obedience as not to endanger their life. Including no forced exercise before the growth plates can close at 12-14 months (as would be appropriate playing with other puppies at a similiar age)
The dog shall be seen by a veterinarian within 72 hours of receipt for a general health check. The puppy can be returned for a full refund or replacement within 72 hours if the vet finds a life threatening illness or injury.
The purchaser is responsible for providing appropriate inoculations.
Purchaser assumes full responsibility for the health care of the above named dog immediately upon receipt.
The dog will not be spayed or neutered before 12-14 months of age. Spaying or neutering the dog before 12 months of age will void the health guarantee part of this contract.
This dog has been placed on limited registration until proof of hip, elbow, and eye certification, at which time limited may be removed.
The dog/puppy WILL NOT be used for breeding until the requirements are met for lifting the limited registration. It is also agreed upon that the dog will only be bred to other dogs with the same health and conformation qualifications.
Purchaser agrees that limited registration will also be used for all off spring.
Because of the variety and quality of dog foods available, and all canines illnesses are NOT covered by vaccinations or health screenings, we require all of Cinebar Valley Farm's puppies/dogs continue to take NuVet Plus Canine supplements. This nutritional supplements is only available through veterinarian or breeder recommendation. We receive a monthly report of who is receiving the product. The health guarantee will be null and void if you choose not to keep your dog/puppy on NuVet Plus Canine.
Along with the NuVet Plus Canine, the puppy/dog must get 400mg of Vitamin C daily until they are 12 months old.
If for any reason the new owner is unable to care for their Cinebar Valley Farms puppy/dog, the dog must be returned to the breeder or the breeder must be contacted if the dog has new ownership. Resale of this dog will terminate the terms of the contract. The breeder will possibly transfer the guarantee to the new owners fill out an adoption application and are approved by the breeder. The breeder is not obligated to transfer the guarantee.
If the dog is returned to the breeder, ownership must be transfered to the breeder at the time of return.
The new owner understands that the breeder will try to recoup some of the new owners original purchase price, but NO MONETARY REINBURSEMENT IS IMPLIED OR GUARANTEED. The ultimate goal will be a suitable home for the dog.
Cinebar Valley Farms agrees:
That the puppy/dog is to be free of genetic hip, and free of CERF-able eye diseases. Upon confirmation of either hip displasia or eye disease, which must be diagnosed by a qualified veterinarian, this puppy/dog will be replaced with a puppy of equal value. If this diagnoses is the result of injury or mistreatment of the puppy/dog, the breeder is not obligated to replace the animal. Diagnoses of hip issues must not take place before 18 months or after 30 months. If the pup is spayed/neutered (not before 12 months) and the purchaser wishes to keep the puppy, the future of the affected puppy is to be mutually decided upon by both seller and purchaser, with the animal's welfare in mind.
The puppy/dog will be current and up to date on all of its inoculations for infectious disease and will be treated for parasites.
The puppy/dog, to the best of my knowledge will be functionally sound.